Making Calories Look Pretty

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Making calories look pretty
From a Pot - Food blog with simple, healthy, delicious every day recipes.
What is a food blog?
A food blog is a website or section of a website that features writing, photographs, and other multimedia content about food. It can cover a wide range of topics, including recipes, cooking and baking techniques, restaurant reviews, food-related news and trends, and personal anecdotes about food and dining. Food bloggers may also share their own recipes and cooking experiments, and may provide detailed instructions and step-by-step photographs to help readers replicate their dishes at home. Many food blogs also feature beautiful food photography, and some may include video content such as cooking demonstrations or interviews with chefs. Some food blogs are run by professional food writers or chefs, while others are written by home cooks or amateur food enthusiasts. Some food blogs are focused on a particular type of cuisine or cooking style, while others are more broadly focused on all aspects of food and dining. Regardless of the specific focus, a food blog can be a great resource for anyone looking for inspiration in the kitchen or simply looking to learn more about food and cooking.
What to Except from 'From a Pot'?
From a Pot is a food blog created as an ideal food blog for me. While creating the site, we take in consideration to add everything what I was missing on other food blogs I saw and used, and removed everything I really did not like on other food blogs.
What we added found on other food blogs:
We added: voting (so you know what did other think about the recipe), different time intervals (so you know how long different parts of the cooking process take), nutritional values (for the people who wish to know), shopping list (so you can easily go to shop and buy all what you need for the recipe), metric / Imperial units (we work mostly in metric units as it is usually more exact but convert it on the fly), scale (for easy calculation if you wish to do more or less), comments (so you can ask questions, provide your experience while recreating the recipe), sometime notes (if needed and can provide useful information. But not mandatory for experienced cooks) and sometimes fun facts (if interested in additional information about the recipe).
What we removed that many other food blogs are using:
We removed long intro texts also large amount of advertisement as it is only making it harder to follow the recipe and differently structured recipes where you have to search the Ingredients and the procedure itself. Our goal was, so you can really fast find what you need on the site and don't need to search through the site. We still have to fulfil SEO quotas of words and site length, but these texts are structured so that they do not influence / bother the site usage.
Thank you for using my food blog, and it can solve same issues I saw in other food blogs. If you have any idea what we could add to the blog, I would be happy to read about it in an email you send to us, and we will try to add it to the blog in the future.